Client Cases TMA Talent Management

Real Life Client Cases TMA Talent Management Worldwide

TMA Method in Practice

The added value of the TMA Method at Scania

Scania Parts Logistics is not only focused on the quality of its products and services, but also on empowering and boosting the skills of its employees. The extensive range of training courses was offered to the managers, but all these efforts lacked one common ‘clue’.

TMA at Rabobank

The banking sector is on the move. It is precisely in a period of transition that it is important to know what talent you have. TMA Method can be also used to help banks give their employees ‘impetus’ not only inside but also outside the organization.

TMA Talent Management for the Police Force

“TMA helps many employees gain more insight into themselves. Of course, they know about themselves, but with a TMA report they have a clear description at their disposal. “Now I understand why I like or dislike a certain part of my work,” was a common response. TMA descriptions are widely used in the preparation of CVs and profiles.”

TMA for Navy

Do you, as a civilian worker, need insight into your perspectives at the Navy? What would you like to do and what can you do? Make an appointment for a career interview! One of the tools that is normally used in that process is a Talent Motivation Assessment (TMA) which can give you insight into your drives and motivation. Meanwhile a lot of employees have already completed TMA Talent Assessment.

Mangrove: from good to great with TMA!

According to the vision of the company the only valid authority is the added value one provides within one’s professional field in a certain situation. Things are done not because the boss says so but on the basis of what is best to do from the given content. Content is above structure in that organization. In practice, this ensures that one time the designer has the lead and another time the developer or the project leader does.

TMA Talent Management at Bayer

‘With this instrument, we are able to test more applicants with respect to their personality. TMA reports are more standardized than assessment findings, but we are able to make a good use of them in application procedures. If it is necessary, we can always have an assessment done for the more senior job positions,’ notes the HR manager.

TMA Talent Management at SNT (webhelp)

How interest in the employee can lead to better performance, higher customer satisfaction and lower staff turnover.

TMA at Atos Origin/Siemens

'Employees experience TMA as a gift,' states Mrs. Kamphuis, manager of management development at the ICT company, Atos.

TMA Talent Management at Toshiba

HR-Managers, who have been working for one of the international Toshiba branches for many years and are responsible for Human Resource Management share their experience with TMA. The managers are not only occupied with personnel policy, interviewing, counselling during sick leave, conducting job interviews and giving introductory presentations but are also busy with recruiting and selecting employees, adjusting regulations and the outflow of employees.

TMA Talent Management at Velux International

`It is surprising how employees easily recognize themselves in the description that results from a TMA assessment, says Michel Sombroek (50), director of VELUX .

“People perform better and are more involved when they work in line with their natural talents!”